
Consultancy Overview

Aggressive competition is coming from upstarts and unknowns

Iricon Group consulting professionals can help you identify and solve the challenges that stand in the way of your growth and progress. We will work with you as colleagues, shoulder-to-shoulder, until we have delivered the results that matter to you. Ideally, we create a better future for our clients and our people.

We offer the following consultancy services.


Project Management

In this Project Economy, organizations are looking to quality project outcomes....


HR Management Services

At Iricon we believe that people are your best assets. We offer HR recruitment services.....



At the heart of every organization is strategy. We are the third eye that offers your organization....


Institutional Governance

The success and sustainability of organizations is governance. This is a framework that....


Executive Coaching

Partnering with a coach improves, empowers and inspires your career. It is an investment in....

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